Re: [Vala] Complex number support?

-1 portability is VERY important if we want to use vala outside gnu/linux.

I understand your point of view (the whole idea of sticking to
glib as a layer between vala and everything else is good). I'd then
propose to create c99 bindings: c99.vapi or something. It would not be
portable, just as such apis like posix aren't. Complex numbers would
not be part of vala language. But you would not have to use mpfr to get
the functionality that is available at the language level for 10 years.

On the other hand, again: I personally think that the whole idea of
sticking to glib as a layer between vala and everything else is good;
the idea of maintaining glib compatibility with 20-years old tools is
awful (well, that should go to the glib list). Compatibility?

icc: supports c99
rvct: yes, but without complex numbers (in version 3, I don't know what
about 4, but I hope that this will be implemented)
openwatcom: work in progress

I don't want to start a flamewar here, but if by "portability" you mean
"compiling with microsoft compiler", I can not agree with this. From my
point of view, you just can not create a good, modern product using
non-modern tools. Not to mention that microsoft support for C language
is... unclear. I did not touch visual studio for a year, but in the
last version that I've seen there were no C compiler at all, only C++.

Well, these were my 2 pennies.

best regards,

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