Re: [Vala] Cannot have field and method with the same name

Anatol Pomozov píše v So 04. 12. 2010 v 11:22 -0800:

Sorry for stubbornness - I learn Vala and trying to illuminate all
dark corners. I am looking for an example that clearly shows why we
cannot have field/method with the same name.

In Vala, you can access any method as if it was a constant field of a
delegate type (they behave pretty much the same actually). There is very
little or no semantic difference so separate namespaces are not
possible / would make no sense.

Actually, now that I think about it, I don't think Java does type
inferencing either.
It is planned for Java7.

Java does plan some kind of "delegates", but with weird calling syntax
exactly because of separate namespaces.

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