Re: [Vala] [PATCH] Moving functions between Classes in Metadata files

Sam Thursfield <ssssam    > writes:

On Sun, Jul 11, 2010 at 10:46 PM, tecywiz121 <tecywiz121    > wrote:
My solution was to add a new property to vapigen called "belongs_to"  It
allows a function to be moved into a different class/struct/enum.  It
also tries to fix up the vala name by removing the name of the new type.

Attached is a rather hacky patch to implement the property. I would
really appreciate some feedback, and I'd eventually like to get the
property included in vapigen.

I would find this feature useful as well. In the Seed bindings, for example
seed_simple_evaluate() should really become
SeedContext.simple_evaluate() in my opinion, but there's no way to
specify that in the .metadata file currently.


I just wanted to say thanks for the support!  If you'd like I can update the
patch for the current version (I haven't actually updated it in quite a while,
or even looked at it for that matter so I'm not sure if it still applies)

I'm also working on an alternative to vapigen based on gccxml that gives a lot
more freedom in what can be changed with metadata, but that is a long way from
being ready.


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