[Vala] unexpected error while compiling a vala file


I'm having troubles to compile the vala file attached to this e-mail.
The command line is:

    valac --pkg=gio-2.0 --pkg=glib-2.0 email.vala

When the lines containing `buffer += c` are commented out (lines 67 and
70), the program compiles.

I use vala 0.9.3 as packaged by the Fedora distribution.
The vala compiler gives me the following errors:


email.vala:25.13-25.37: warning: unhandled error `GLib.Error'
        if (parent.read (&c, 1, null) == 0){
email.vala:41.5-41.32: warning: method
`Email.EmailInputStream.push_back_buffer' never used
    public void push_back_buffer (uint8[] buffer) {
email.vala:51.5-51.25: warning: method
`Email.EmailInputStream.read_line' never used
    public bool read_line(ref uint8[] buffer){
code should not be reached
zsh: abort (core dumped)  valac --pkg=gio-2.0 --pkg=glib-2.0 email.vala


Apparently, this is an assertion failure in the compiler code that
causes this error.

What do you think of this error? Am I doing wrong things?

By the way, I couldn't find any reference on the built-in operations
available on the vala arrays (buffer.length, buffer.resize(int), buffer
+=, ...)
Where do you think I could find documentation on that ?

Note: I'm using uint8[] instead of string because I just want to
manipulate a stream of bytes that very often looks like a string. I
don't want to deal with encoding problems. Is there a better solution?



Mildred Ki'Lya
╭───────── mildred593@online.fr ──────────
│ Jabber, GoogleTalk: <mildred jabber fr>
│ Website: <http://ki.lya.online.fr>           GPG ID: 9A7D 2E2B
│ Fingerprint: 197C A7E6 645B 4299 6D37 684B 6F9D A8D6 9A7D 2E2B

Attachment: email.vala
Description: Text Data

Attachment: 0x9A7D2E2B.asc
Description: application/pgp-keys

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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