[Vala] _get_type() and G_GNUC_CONST

Hi all,

I've today compiled my program with recent valac (from git master), and
just from curiosity I've compared generated C sources with my previous
ones. Vala now makes all *get_type() functions const using G_GNUC_CONST.
I don't know at which version was this feature added (previously I used
0.9.2), but I've found some potential trouble with this.

In glib doc for G_GNUC_CONST macro: "A const function doesn't examine
any values except its parameters, and has no effects except its return

In 10-years-old mail:

"_get_type() functions do have side effects, that of registering
a type upon first invocation."

So... as far as I can remember get_type() functions still has effect of
registering a type in the type system upon first call? So is
G_GNUC_CONST in vala-generated code valid?

best regards,

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