Re: [Vala] Weird Gee segfaults

Stéphane Maniaci wrote:
I finally got my finger on that damn bug. It's actually very silly :

- public void goto_next_slide ()
+ public void goto_next_slide (Gtk.Widget sender)

Yes, valac can't verify the correct signature at runtime because it
doesn't know to which signal the handler is going to be connected by

Please write this somewhere in the callbacks part of the
Vala tutorial, it's nasty.

I have added a note on :

"Attention: When using Gtk.Builder's signal auto-connection feature
all handlers must have the full signatures of their corresponding
signals, including the signal sender as first parameter. Otherwise you
will get segmentation faults at runtime."

Btw, is a wiki. Anybody who finds a mistake or wants to
improve the documentation can create an account and modify it.

Best regards,


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