Jonh Wendell píše v Út 27. 04. 2010 v 10:46 -0300:
Hi, folks. I wrote a simple singleton: And in the other file, I do: var prefs = Prefs.default (); .... use prefs var... The prefs var doesn't get destroyed, thus my destructor is never called. [...] It refs the result variable before return. So, there's always a valid object outside... How to handle that? Thanks,
From you description I don't quite understand what you want it to do, but I'll assume you want the object freed when all external references are destroyed. In that case, modify your code like this: public class Prefs { private unowned static Prefs instance; // unowned so as not to increase ref count public static Prefs default() { if (instance == null) { var newobject = new Prefs(); // you need a strong reference here instance = newobject; return newobject; // reference is passed to the caller } else { return instance; // this just refs the instance and passes reference to the caller } } private Prefs () { stdout.printf ("constructor\n"); } ~Prefs () { stdout.printf ("destruction\n"); instance = null; // unowned doesn't know it's content's lifespan, so you have to clear it manually } } Hope I didn't make any mistakes here and that this is what you mean. :) Note though that this is NOT thread safe. If you access these from multiple threads, you'd need something much more elaborate.
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