Re: [Vala] Generating bindings for non-GLib/GObject based API

On 23. Apr, 2010, at 8:06 , Michael Wild wrote:

On 22. Apr, 2010, at 20:43 , Jan Hudec wrote:

On Thu, Apr 22, 2010 at 11:47:21 +0200, Michael Wild wrote:
1) Constructor function: Say I would like to use a C function as the
constructor for a class (as e.g. newwin is used in curses.vapi). However,
that C function does not return the allocated and initialized object in the
return value, but as the first argument. The return value is an error code
instead. How would I handle this?

I believe you'll have to declare it as a static function and wrap it as
constructor in the .vapi itself.

I suppose you have a function like:

int thing_init(Thing **self, int param);

(allocate+return by reference implies pointer-to-pointer, right?)

Than in the class you first declare the function itself, like

class Thing {
  private static init(out Thing self, int param);

Than you need to define the constructor, which is where I am a bit lost.
It does work for normal methods, but constructor is a bit special.
I would guess this might work:

  public Thing(int param) throws ThingError {
     int status = init(this, param);
     if(status != 0)
         throw new ThingError.FAILED(
             "Thing construction failed with status %d", status);

But I am not sure whether you need to initialize this or create normal
variable and return it or employ some other trick. Maybe defining another
static function and than rebinding it as constructor. Something like

  public static Thing new(int param) throws ThingError {
     Thing self;
     int status = init(self, param);
     return self;
  public Thing(int param) throws (ThingError);

You'll have to play with it a bit.

Note, that I made it throw an error. I assume if it returns an error code,
you'll want to get it somehow and since the allocated object is the return
value, an exception is the only option.

Thanks, I was stumbling along the same lines. However, now I'm stuck because I can't convince Vala to 
generate the C-code for the static functions in the .vapi file.


Looking at gnutls.vapi I noticed that there the same problem exists. Instead of binding it to a constructor, 
static create() methods are used to wrap the C-functions. I'm probably going to do the same.

Another thing where I'm not sure how to best solve it: The basic C-type I'm using is a typedef to a pointer 
whose base-type is implementation dependent (i.e. unknown). E.g. like this:

typedef struct unknown_type* Thing;

Now, in my small test cases, I used the following for the binding:

[CCode (cname = "Thing", cheader_filename = "thing.h", free_function = "free")]
struct Thing {
  [CCode (cname = "create_thing")]
  private static int create_imp(Thing* self, int a, int b, double c); 
  [CCode (cname = "create_thing_wrapper")]
  public static Thing create(int a, int b, double c) {
    Thing self;
    int stat = create_imp(&self, a, b, c); 
    return self;
  [CCode (cname = "print_thing")]
  public void print();

This compiles and runs, but Vala now (quite understandably) thinks that Thing is a value-type and doesn't 
call free() on it. AFAIK for this to happen I'd need to change Thing to be a of compact class type, but then 
everything else would break because Vala starts passing the object around as a pointer (i.e. resulting in 
unknonw_type**, where unknown_type* is expected).


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