[Vala] Compile failed on .gir file


  I've tried to compile folowing code :

       valac -o G  --pkg Gee-1.0 G.vala

   using GLib;
   using Gee;

   class ElementType : GLib.Object  {
        private uint _hash;
        private string _body;
        private string _name;
        public uint hash            { get { return _hash;} }
        public string body          { get { return _body;}
                                      set {
                                       _body = value;
                                        _hash = g_str_hash (_body);
        public string name          { get { return _name;}
                                      set {_name = value;}

   class PathType : GLib.Object  {
        public string path          { get; set; }
        public uint   elemnthash    { get; set; }

And got following output :

   Gee-1.0.gir:14.5-14.45: error: expected end element of `method'
   Gee-1.0.gir:15.6-15.47: error: unknown child element `type' in `class'
   <return-value transfer-ownership="full">
   Gee-1.0.gir:15.6-15.47: error: expected end element of `class'
   <return-value transfer-ownership="full">
   Gee-1.0.gir:15.6-15.47: error: expected end element of `namespace'
   <return-value transfer-ownership="full">
   Gee-1.0.gir:16.5-16.19: error: expected end element of `repository'
   <type name="boolean" c:type="gboolean"/>
   Compilation failed: 5 error(s), 0 warning(s)

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