[Vala] nullable generic types

I've noticed that Vala forces generic types to be non-nullable when instantiated with a primitive type. For example:

public class List<T> {
 public T? abc() { return null; }

 public bool def(T? t) { return t == null; }

void main() {
 List<int> list = new List<int>();
 int? i = list.abc();   // i receives the value 0, not null
bool b = list.def(null); // compiler error: cannot convert from null to int

Is this behavior by design? I suspect that it is: this allows the compiler to generate only one copy of List<T> and use it for all instantiations including both reference and primitive types. If this is a compromise by design, I think that it's a reasonable one, though it would be nice to know whether we can expect this behavior to remain the same in the future. :)

The above has a practical consequence when using generic collections:

HashMap<int, int> m = ...;
int? i = m.get(5);

Now i receives the value 0 (not null) if the element is absent.

On a related note, I've noticed that 'valac --vapi' makes generic types non-nullable. If I generate a VAPI file for the List class above it looks like this:

public class List<T> {
   public List ();
   public T abc ();
   public bool def (T t);

Is this a bug? Conceivably the nullable types are erased in the VAPI file as a warning to callers that they will not actually be nullable when the class is instantiated with a primitive type, given the behavior above. But there doesn't seem to be much point to that, since callers must expect this same behavior when nullable types are present in a generic class anyway, even one which is not defined via a VAPI file. Is there some other reason why the types should not be nullable in the VAPI file?


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