Re: [Vala] bindings from vapi

On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 1:36 PM, pancake <pancake youterm com> wrote:
I am planning to write a tool to generate bindings for Python/.NET/Perl/...

My idea is to parse the vapi files and based on the signatures of the
create the necesary stub to have the bindings for other languages. GIR and
are designed for GObject bindings.

What I'm thinking is to do the same for non-gobject bindings. This is
Vala (in vapi files) allows to describe in a much better way the function
(like direction of refs, and out parameters) which C doesn't.

I wrote some manual proof of concepts and I think that .net, python and lua
will be an easy task.

I had not written anything yet, but I'm really interested on this for many
(some projects of mine) and I would like to know your opinion and tips about
how to
face this.

Should I use libvala? like valadoc does? Is there any example code iterating
methods, namespaces, arguments of signatures, etc..?


Vala-list mailing list
Vala-list gnome org


I have some old and not quite finished code that generates python
ctypes bindings from vapi. Hopefully its useful. Though there have
been a few vala releases since i played with it.

The code for pulling information out of namespaces and classes and
functions is in the bindgen folder. There is some code thats mostly
the valac entry point hacked to run my code and then some code to
generate the ctypes bindings. It also builds a C program that
generates a python file of any enums and constants in the vapi. There
is also a pycode library which knows how to generate some simple
python statements (enough for bindgen and then some). Its kind of like
the ccode library in vala itself.

I was at some point able to generate libsyncml bindings with this, but
its been a while and im not sure what state i left it in.


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