Re: [Vala] Strange error from glib-2.0.vapi

On Fri, 2009-09-18 at 21:20 +0200, Enrique Ocaña González wrote:
Following the GLib headers, I saw that *in Linux* a GPid is in the end a 
pid_t, that in the end is a 32 bit integer.

What I did was to copy part of the GLib vapi into a seperate vapi file and 
there I copied the vapi directives of gint. It worked.

I'd propose the attached patch to correct GLib vapi, but I'm not sure if it 
should be added to Vala because I've read in other mails that in Windows GPid 
is a pointer and not an integer.

Yes, GPid is not an integer on Windows, unfortunately. That's why I
won't apply this patch upstream.


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