Re: [Vala] libgee on Windows

pkg-config --libs glib-2.0 produces -LD:/vala-0.7.4/lib -lglib-2.0 -lintl
When I used that as the link option the linking still failed with the same errors. I tried to create a batch 
file with this as the contents and it also failed with the same errors. (it's all one line)gcc -shared -o 
libgee.dll D:\libgee-0.3.0\gee\abstractcollection.o D:\libgee-0.3.0\gee\abstractlist.o 
D:\libgee-0.3.0\gee\abstractmap.o D:\libgee-0.3.0\gee\arraylist.o D:\libgee-0.3.0\gee\collection.o 
D:\libgee-0.3.0\gee\functions.o D:\libgee-0.3.0\gee\hashmap.o D:\libgee-0.3.0\gee\hashset.o 
D:\libgee-0.3.0\gee\iterable.o D:\libgee-0.3.0\gee\iterator.o D:\libgee-0.3.0\gee\linkedlist.o 
D:\libgee-0.3.0\gee\list.o D:\libgee-0.3.0\gee\map.o D:\libgee-0.3.0\gee\readonlycollection.o 
D:\libgee-0.3.0\gee\readonlylist.o D:\libgee-0.3.0\gee\readonlymap.o D:\libgee-0.3.0\gee\readonlyset.o 
D:\libgee-0.3.0\gee\set.o D:\libgee-0.3.0\gee\treemap.o D:\libgee-0.3.0\gee\treeset.o -LD:\vala-0.7.4\lib 
-lglib-2.0 -lintlAny ideas?

Date: Mon, 7 Sep 2009 12:03:18 +0300
Subject: Re: [Vala] libgee on Windows
From: b100dian gmail com
To: ptitjes free fr
CC: mr_maxwell live com; vala-list gnome org

On Mon, Sep 7, 2009 at 11:45 AM, Didier "Ptitjes" <ptitjes free fr> wrote:

Hi Mr. Maxwell,

Mr. Maxwell . wrote:

I tried putting all the files in a Dev-C++ project and setting these command line options

compiler-mms-bitfields -ID:/vala-0.7.4/include/glib-2.0 -ID:/vala-0.7.4/lib/glib-2.0/include


When I compiled the project I got hundreds of these errors

  [Linker error] undefined reference to xyz

I don't know well Windows so I can't help you more but I just can tell

you that there is no xyz symbol in Gee!

Best regards, Didier.

I think Maxwell was referring to the fact that there are many symbols not found:)
Anyway, by the -mms-bitfields command-line I am supposing you're using gcc's compiler and ld linker.

If this is the case, then the correct compiling and linking flags should be inferred from "pkg-config 
--cflags --libs glib-2.0".
On my msys/mingw installation (with vala and other packages in d:/usr) i have:

$ pkg-config.exe --libs  glib-2.0-Ld:/usr/lib -lglib-2.0 -lintl  
$ pkg-config.exe --cflags  glib-2.0-mms-bitfields -Id:/usr/include/glib-2.0 -Id:/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include  

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