Re: [Vala] Need help with string

Hi Abderrahim,

I use this:

using GLib;

public static void main(string[] args)
string contents;
try {
 FileUtils.get_contents("test.txt", out contents);
} catch (FileError err) {

var info = contents.str("[INFO]");
if (info != null) {
 var needed_text = info.substring("[INFO]".length);
   stdout.printf("%s", needed_text);


and it works perfectly.
Thank you so much !

2009/9/3 Nicolas <c r n a wanadoo fr>:
That's the problem, I have a text file, but at a certain place there is, for
example, the code [INFO] and I need to read everything that comes after this
code, which in fact is just text !

Maybe you just want FileUtils.get_contents [1], it will return a
string that you can use as you like

string contents;
try {
  FileUtils.get_contents(filename, out contents);
} catch (FileError) {
  //handle appropriately

var info = contents.str('[INFO]');
if (info != null) {
  var needed_text = info.substring('[INFO]'.length);
  // do what you want with this

I haven't compiled this code, so there may be some problems with it,
but the idea is there.



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