Re: [Vala] [Genie] Using MarkupParser

Abderrahim Kitouni wrote:

2009/10/25 Patrick Castle <lemeia bigpond com>:
I've been trying to learn Genie and it's going OK for the moment. However, I was
trying to translate a Vala example using MarkupParser in GLib and I was coming
unstuck on how to define multiple anonymous functions in a comma-separated
parameter list.

I attempted with:

   parser : MarkupParser = { def (ctx, elem, attribute_names, attribute_values)
       print("start |%s|\n", elem)
       for i : int = 0 to attribute_names.length
           print("Attribute name: %s, value: %s\n", attribute_names[i],
attribute_values[i]), \
       def (ctx, elem)
           print("end |%s|\n", elem), \
       def (ctx, text, text_len)
           print("text %ld |%s|\n", (long)text_len, text), \
       null, null }

I think it should be that way, but this doesn't work, I think this is a bug.
I've already came across this (I'm trying to port a python library to
genie), and passing even a single parameter won't work, I think Genie
needs a test suite (a good start is to translate some of the examples
on the wiki, I'll try to do some tonight).


At the moment I'm avoiding the problem by using libxml instead. I've got something functional at least - I really wasn't getting anywhere with MarkupParser. I'm still interested in the answer to the question though as I'm sure something like this will come up again some time.


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