Re: [Vala] [Genie] simple string example no longer compiles

On Mon, 2009-10-26 at 18:44 +0100, Abderrahim Kitouni wrote:

2009/10/26 Barry Kauler <bkauler gmail com>:
 I am asking about

 var s = new string

 To me, it *does* make sense, but anyway, I am not asking about it's
 merits. I would like to know why it compiled before, not now.
 It looks like quite legal syntax to me, and the compiler was happy
 with it, and if it is now not legal, why not?

The syntax is fine, it's just that string does not have a constructor.
It used to work because valac did not check for this before (I've
recently found the same to be true for Object), whether this should
work or not is something I cannot answer.

indeed the fact it no longer works is because that bug/loophole has been
fixed (this is not a genie bug as it affects vala as well)

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