[Vala] Vala - GIR GdkPixbuf namespace conflicts

Hi all,

So the general background of this is that I am building bindings for a
library that depends on GdkPixbuf, instead of using vala-gen-introspect
i am using gobject-introspection to build a gir file and build a vapi
from that. However there is a conflict between the GdkPixbuf gir file
and the GdkPixbuf vapi file. 

Essentially gir's namespace is 
and vala's namespace is:
Gdk with a class Pixbuf

which is right? the GdkPixbuf gir file is automatically generated, but
then again it does not contain any classes. 

The end result of this is that vala can not find the namespace GdkPixbuf
in its vapi files because obvious, it does not exist

anyone have any clues? is gir at fault or vala? I have attached both the
gir and vapi files in question to this email so you don't have to go dig
them out 

Any ideas are appreciated

Thanks, Gord.

Gordon Allott <gord allott canonical com>

Attachment: GdkPixbuf-2.0.gir
Description: application/xml

Attachment: gdk-pixbuf-2.0.vapi
Description: Text Data

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: This is a digitally signed message part

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