[Vala] compile problem

Thanks for the explanation.

However my problem isn't solved. I though that was my problem, but it's
definitely not.

I have 2 files an basic_class.vala and an extended_class.vala. I generate c
files with the valac -c command.
After that I want to compile those 2 files separately, so I can link them
gcc -c basic_class.c
gcc -c advanced_class.c
But the second compile instruction gives the following error:
advanced_class.c:74: warning: ‘basicclass_set_some_var’ used but never
What am I doing wrong?

ps. I've reduced my project to only 2 files with only 3 lines, so it's easy
to see the problem. My files are located here:
http://alasal.be/AWN/valaproblem.tar.gz (1kb)


On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 12:52 AM, Frederik <scumm_fredo gmx net> wrote:

Kos wrote:

Probably a silly question, that you can answer in just a blink, but gives
troubles for the past couple of days: Is it normal that the --use-header
option of valac doesn't generate .h header files?

thanks in advance

You must combine it with '--header' (-H). Vala does not generate
multiple header files anymore (single header include is now standard for
GObject libraries).

Maybe Vala should warn when '--use-header' is used without '--header'.
Without '--use-header' Vala will use forward declarations in the
generated C files.

Generate header file:
$ valac *.vala --header myheader.h

Generate header file and use it in the generated C files:
$ valac *.vala --header myheader.h --use-header

Best regards,

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