Re: [Vala] [ANNOUNCE] Vala 0.7.8 - Compiler for the GObject type system

AFAIK the new syntax is as follows:

String templates

string name = "Vala";
stdout.printf (@"Hello, $name!\n");
stdout.printf (@"2 + 3 = $(2 + 3)\n");

Non-null cast

void main () {
        string? a = "hello";
        string b = a;

This won't compile with strict nullability checking enabled ('--enable-experimental-non-null'):

  error: Assignment: Cannot convert from `string?' to `string'

However, if you cast the nullable variable into a non-nullable variable
with '(!)' it will compile:

void main () {
        string? a = "hello";
        string b = (!) a;

Chain-up for gobject-style construction scheme

Instead of assignment to construct-only properties:

class MyWindow : Gtk.Window {

        public MyWindow () {
                Object (type: WindowType.POPUP);

        construct {
                // ...

Best regards,


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