Re: [Vala] DBus horror

On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 11:37 AM, Kos <nikosverschore gmail com> wrote:

I'm using vala to make an applet for awn. It will be an applet that can
manage all the media players. Therefor I'm using the dbus with the mpris
interface. I've tried to get the state of vlc. That means you have the call
the dbus function GetStatus and it will return a struct. I first tried with
an dynamic dbus, but I've got an error on running. I've tried with a static
dbus and I didn't get an error, hurray. After careful looking at the return
value, It only returns zero's. Bye bye hurray. So it still didn't do what I

For a stripped down version of my code, see (It
has commentary)

I really like coding in vala, but my project has a deadline. So either I
need a way round the problem, or I'm forced to go to c. Do you see a way
round the problem?

thanks in advance,

Vala-list mailing list
Vala-list gnome org


I noticed you used var foo = in the dynamic test. Doesn't Vala need to
know what the return type will be at compile time? I think it is
assuming it will be an object path when its actually an array of 4

In the static test, i wonder in vala can't yet map a return type of "4
integers" to a struct - have you tried using int[4] as the return


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