Re: [Vala] How to connect a delegate to a signal?

G.S.Alex píše v Po 07. 12. 2009 v 20:47 +0800:
I used to think the delegate could be used just like method it self .
But when I try to connect a delegate to a signal , i got the error:

t.vala:24.29-24.29: error: Argument 1: Cannot convert from `DN' to
    foo.some_event.connect (d);

So, how could I do that?

Unless I'm missing something, that seems to be a bug in Vala.
I checked the bugzilla and couldn't find any mention of it, so you
probably should report it there.

As a workaround, you can use "connect (() => d());", but I think it
won't work if you wish to disconnect it later.
Is there a support to disconnect based on a handler id? I think the last
time I checked it wasn't possible.

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