Re: [Vala] Fwd: Getting path to my program's directory

Am Samstag, den 05.12.2009, 13:27 -0700 schrieb Michael Torrie:
Mark Dewey wrote:
No. It doesn't work. If it did work, then sure, I'd be serious. At the
very least it would give you to know there was a way to do it.

From what I've read there is no portable way to determine the path to a
running executable.  On various OS's that support /proc, you can often
glean the path from there.  For example on linux, /proc/<pid#>/exe is
supposed to be a symlink to the original executable.  You can use
readlink to determine the path.  On BSD, there's a different entry that
contains the actual posix path.

On Linux, you can also use /proc/self/exe instead of a path with a pid
in it; on FreeBSD, it's /proc/curproc/file; and on Solaris it seems to
be "/proc/%ld/path/a.out", whereas "%ld" is the process id. All those
files are symlinks to your program.

Please note that proc is optional on FreeBSD, and that Debian
GNU/kFreeBSD has linprocfs mounted on /proc and thus behaves like the
Linux one.


Julian Andres Klode  - Debian Developer, Ubuntu Member

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