Re: [Vala] Static linking


2009/12/3 Mark Dewey <dewemark gmail com>:
Jan Hudec wrote:
While valac is able to call compiler and linker, it can't create static
libraries (which are build with ar rather than linker),

Thanks for the tip about ar. I think that gave me the information I need. :)

Now, I just need to figure out why gcc isn't compiling my Vala code.
What arguments do I need for a simply GUI program that uses nothing but
Glib and GTK?
the output of pkg-config --cflags --libs <whatever packages you passed to valac>

if you compile with
valac --pkg gtk+-2.0 -C myprog.vala
the generated code must be compiled with
gcc `pkg-config --cflags --libs gtk+-2.0` myprog.c
(if you haven't passed any --pkg to vala use gobject-2.0)

btw, I think you just need to pass -static to gcc (or -X -static to
valac) to make static binaries. (I'm not sure what is needed for
libraries, but any build tool should allow you to build one).


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