Re: [Vala] [LigGee] remove_all behavior at removing same items

Hi Tomaž!

Quikee wrote:
In what way should remove_all work in case of removing the same items.
Currently there is an inconsistency in this behavior from remove_all
on AbstractCollection and the implementation in ArrayList.
The AbstractCollection implementation will call remove for every
element which will in case of n same items in list 1 and m same items
in incoming list 2 remove n-m items.

For example:
list1 has items 1,1,1,1,1 and list2 has items 1,1,1
after remove_all in list1 would remain items 1,1

The implementation on ArrayList will always remove all items from the
list if the incoming list has such an item.
So in the same example as above list1 after the call would not have any items.

I have looked also how Java's ArrayList behaves in such a case and it
did behave in a different way as above. The Java's ArrayList treated
the incomming collection as a set and did delete only one element from
the list1.
So the example would look like this:
list1 has items 1,1,1,1,1 and list2 has items 1,1,1
after remove_all in list1 would remain items 1,1,1,1

Which of this behavior would you prefer?

That's a good thing you point here. IMHO we should explicit API
contracts in the collection interfaces.

I would prefer that remove is said to remove the first element.
And that remove_all removes every element instances. IMHO this will
enable to respect the same API contract for multi-sets.

As you can read in Apache Commons Collections, which build upon and
derives from Java Collections, their Bag interfaces explicitly override
the defined behavior for contains|remove|*All methods. [1]

Thus I would prefer if our Collection interface already defines a such
API contract: remove_all removes all the element occurrences. In simple
sets, it would obviously remove only one instance.

Best regards, Didier.


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