Re: [Vala] Custom attributes/decorators

2009/4/22 Vlad Grecescu <b100dian gmail com>:
On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 3:54 AM, Christian Hergert
<christian hergert gmail com> wrote:

Hi Folks,

I'm curious about how people feel about adding a feature for custom
attributes/decorators that can be used for meta-programming.  If that
doesn't make sense, let me show an example of what I would like to
make possible.


Does this sound interesting to anyone?  Should I file an enhancement

Well it surely does to me. However, which approach would benefit the most?

Custom attributes could be
a. available at compile-time. A plugin/gmodule for valac would be used to
process them (generate code, in your case).
b. available at runtime, the Flex way. The mxmlc just stores your custom
attributes which can be inspected at runtime with describeType's XML [1][2]
c. available at runtime, the Java way. The custom attributes are just
interfaces from your code, further present in

Just a nit-pick; Java annotations are not available at runtime by
default. One has to specify a "retention policy" of how the
annotations are made available, there are three possibilities:

CLASS: "Annotations are to be recorded in the class file by the
compiler but need not be retained by the VM at run time"
RUNTIME: "Annotations are to be recorded in the class file by the
compiler and retained by the VM at run time, so they may be read
SOURCE: "Annotations are to be discarded by the compiler."

I think it would make sense to have something similar for custom Vala
attributes, like:

DATA: Not available at runtime, but stored inside the TEXT segment of
the generated binary object files (if this even makes sense && is it
possible with gcc?). The use case here is some static analysis of the
binary files
RUNTIME: Somehow attached to the enclosing GObjectClass or something..?
SOURCE: Not available at runtime, but expands to a source code
template in some way like Christian suggests

Of course one need not implement all policies in the first go, but
leaving room for policies could be a great boon in the long run.

Just my 0.02€. Cheers,

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