Re: [Vala] widgets emitting signals

Hi Karl,

On Sat, 2008-11-22 at 12:54 +0000, Karl Lattimer wrote:
I'm working on a GTK Widget in vala and was wondering if anyone can
point me somewhere or give me a hint as to how I emit signals in vala.

For instance, some event occurs inside of my widget as a result of a
user event or a timed interlude and the widget emits a signal which can
be caught and dealt with.

In one example I want to emit a "selection-changed" signal after
responding to a button-release event. This doesn't seem to be in the
custom widget example code here but probably should be 
there as it is an important part of writing custom widgets.

public class Foo : Object {
        // declare signal, if not inherited from base class
        public signal void selection_changed ();

        public void bar () {
                // emit signal
                this.selection_changed ();


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