Re: [Vala] fixed threading example

Answers down the page...

2008/5/26 pancake <pancake youterm com>:
By answering Thij's bug's the fixed version for threads found

Is this the proper way to use function pointers? the example in
documentation makes use of the deprecated "pointer" type. I have replaced
it with 'void*', but the need to cast the ThreadFunc looks ugly to me.

btw i have noticed that thread_create takes only two arguments:

 "public static weak Thread create (ThreadFunc func, bool joinable)
throws ThreadError;"

Are the threads in glib not receiving any data pointer as first argument
while creating them? pthread ones does it in this way and its quite

the definition in glib/gthread.h takes 4 arguments:

#define g_thread_create(func, data, joinable, error)                    \
 (g_thread_create_full (func, data, 0, joinable, FALSE,                \
                        G_THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL, error))

GThread* g_thread_create_full  (GThreadFunc            func,
                               gpointer               data,
                               gulong                 stack_size,
                               gboolean               joinable,
                               gboolean               bound,
                               GThreadPriority        priority,
                               GError               **error);

The C version compared to the Vala version:
func -> the method delegate (a ThreadFunc)
data -> the class instance that the method belongs to (ThreadFunc is
not a static delgate)
joinable -> joinable, same thing
error -> throws ThreadError

I think that all works out ok.  You can't pass arbitrary data, but
that isn't the pattern that Vala bindings usually follow anyway.
Instead you pass an instance method and a pointer to the instance goes


so..the example below works. but is imho not correct, or at least not

using GLib;

public class Threading : GLib.Object {

   public static void thread_func(void *data) {
       stdout.printf("Thread running.\n");

   public static void main(string[] args) {
       if (!Thread.supported()) {
           stderr.printf("Cannot run without threads.\n");

       try {
           Thread.create((GLib.ThreadFunc)thread_func, true);
       } catch (ThreadError ex) {


Actually, thread_func doesn't have quite the right signature, but
that's about right.  I'll fix up the tutorial, thanks for pointing out
the problem.

Phil Housley

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