Re: [Vala] mascot for vala

I dislike the idea of having an icon, but Vala, is the word in spanish
that refers to the sound that the sheeps do :)

On Thu, 22 May 2008 10:34:08 +0400
Денис Черемисов  <denis-cheremisov yandex ru> wrote:

What about launchpad?

On Wed, 2008-05-21 at 21:35 -0300, martin (OpenGeoMap) wrote:

I think it's the time to find a mascot for VALA. ;-)
All free software technology need a mascot!! 8-) .

Other thing. I was thinking about the possibility to have other mailing 
list for VALA-users.

Here jürgen and other developers need time to improve VALA :-D  not for 
newbye questions.


Vala-list mailing list
Vala-list gnome org

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