[Vala] poppler sample code


I tried to compile the Vala Poppler sample found here:

But the compiler gived the following errors:

poppler-sample.vala:14.29-14.36: error: The name `string' does not
exist in the context of `Gdk.EventKey'
poppler-sample.vala:16.36-16.42: error: Assignment: Cannot convert
from `Gtk.Widget' to `Gtk.Window?'
poppler-sample.vala:17.39-17.41: error: The name `win' does not exist
in the context of `Example.PopEx.next_cb'
poppler-sample.vala:17.35-17.53: error: expression type not allowed as
poppler-sample.vala:18.41-18.41: error: The name `i' does not exist in
the context of `Example.PopEx.next_cb'
poppler-sample.vala:18.36-18.54: error: expression type not allowed as
poppler-sample.vala:21.66-21.67: error: The name `pb' does not exist
in the context of `Example.PopEx.next_cb'
poppler-sample.vala:22.25-22.25: error: The name `i' does not exist in
the context of `Example.PopEx.next_cb'

 I used valac version 0.3.1. Then I tried it with 0.1.6, and it
compiled without errors, so I think maybe there were some changes in
the language. If so, then maybe the sample code needs some update.

Urbán Dániel

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