Re: [Vala] dbus-glib-1.vapi Proxy Class

Am Montag, den 17.03.2008, 23:16 +0100 schrieb Ethan Osten:
On Mon, 2008-03-17 at 10:50 +0100, Alexander Werle wrote:

I'm trying to use the

"Proxy.for_name (Connection! connection, string! name, string! path,
string! interface_)"

constructor of the Proxy class from dbus-glib-1.vapi. I want to call
method from openobex dbus-api.
This is my code to create the Proxy object:
I can't find "dbus_g_proxy_free" in any of the underlying c code
Has anybody had the same problem and can help me?

Is there a reason you aren't using the built-in Vala syntax for DBus?
        using OpenOBEX;
        [DBusInterface (name = "org.openobex.Manager")]
        interface OpenOBEX.Interface;
        DBus.Connection conn = DBus.Bus.get(DBus.BusType.SYSTEM);
        OpenOBEX.Interface proxy =
conn.get_object<OpenOBEX.Interface>("org.openobex", "/org/openobex");

And then compiling that the same way that you did your manual version?

- Ethan Osten

I tried it this way. But calling 

        proxy.CreateBluetoothSession (address, "opp")

doesn't return anything. I expected to get the path for the created
session. But without the session path I can't execute the following:

        OpenOBEX.Session session = conn.get_object<OpenOBEX.Session>
("org.openobex", session_path); 
        session.Connected += session_connected;
        session.Disconnected += session_disconnected;
        session.TransferStarted += transfer_started;
        session.TransferCompleted += transfer_completed;
        session.ErrorOccurred += error_occurred; 

So I took a look on the c code for "Gnome sendTo()" and there they used
Proxy.begin_call(...) and Proxy.end_call(...).

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