[Vala] Delegating problem

Hmm not 100% sure it vala or my code... but below valacode does not
generate valid C code:

--- The vala code ---------------

public  delegate void test(int a);
public struct Callbacks
public int data;
public weak test cb;
Callbacks(int i, weak  test t) { cb = t;  data=i;}

public class Test : Object {
Callbacks[] cbs;

construct {    
   cbs=new Callbacks[]
     new Callbacks(100, foo),
     new Callbacks(101, bar)

  void foo(int t)
  void bar(int t)

if I make the callbaks static  it will work but its not a good solution
in my app...

C output fails with:

error: request for member ‘te_target’ in something not a structure or
union reason is this:

--- The generated CCode ------

static void callbacks_init (Callbacks *self, gint i, test t, void*
t_target) {
        test _tmp0;
        memset (self, 0, sizeof (Callbacks));
        (*self).te = (_tmp0 = t, self.te_target = t_target, _tmp0);
        (*self).data = i;

it should generate be  (*self).te_target = t_target right?

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