Re: [Vala] operators overload

* Jürg Billeter wrote, On 02/07/08 13:59:
On Thu, 2008-05-15 at 02:28 -0300, Matías De la Puente wrote:
vala, will include operators overload like in c#?

We're not planning to support operator or method overloading, 
are there non-technical reasons for avoiding method overloading?

I can see that where there is lots of type munging going on the concept of overloading can get confusing, but purely within vala it seems as if it ought not to be a problem, and as cname can be specified for external callers where needed, the C interface won't be lacking.

It seems a shame to make vala the poor cousin to C# in this respect.

we might add limited support to implement operators by the use of
special interfaces, similar to how it already works for some libgee


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