Re: [Vala] Beginners question about keyboard input


I don't use the Genie syntax but a working sample for vala is :

using GLib;

public class SumCol {

        public static it main(string [] args)
                int MAXLINELEN = 128;
                int sum = 0;
                char[] str = new char [MAXLINELEN];
                while(stdin.gets(str) != null)
                        sum += ((string)str).to_int();
                return 0;

You can simply cast a char array to string as the string class is only
a wrapper around NULL terminated unichar array.

2008/12/1 Barry Kauler <bkauler gmail com>

I'm learning Vala, using the Genie syntax, and I'm stuck on something.
It would be great if a kind soul reading this would take a moment to
help me out.

I'm writing a console app and I want to read one line from the keyboard.
The C function gets() seems to be the one, however I get this this far:

       var a = new array of char[64]

But what I really want is a string, and I don't know how to convert an
array of chars to a string in Vala/Genie. Could someone tell me how?

Note, I searched the vala-list but the only posts about stdin.gets
show it used like this:

       stdin.gets(str, 256);

so it must have got redefined at some time.

Ah, it's so easy in Bash:

      read ONELINE

Barry Kauler
Vala-list mailing list
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Clément DAVID

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