2008/8/14 PICCA Frédéric-Emmanuel
<frederic-emmanuel picca synchrotron-soleil fr>
> Great!! I think i was the only one..
Thanks for the work you have done with GSL.
I found 2 errors in the current .vapi. I will send you a patch in a next email,
Great, I will update!
don't you think that this vapi file can be part of the officisl GSL repository. (the git one) ?
Yes, could be. We need to test it more. I see the link to the external vapi bindings in
http://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/ (section extensions/applications). For me it's just fine...
> In the binding I have to create a delegate because is the only way that vala
> point to a function.
> MultirootF was the only name that occurred me to use. The importat think is
> the parameters (Vector, void*, Vector ) and the returned type (int)...
good name :).
the problem with vala is that you can not declare a parameter as a constant.
so you have warnings during the C colpilation.
the real C signature is (const gsl_vector*, void*, gsl_vector*)
yeah, but isn't a big problem...
which irc canal is it ?
IRC channel #vala on GIMPnet