Re: [Vala] [long][libgee] TreeSet support

On Thu, March 13, 2008 22:48, Maciej Piechotka wrote:
Although the Hashtables are very common and efficient way of storing sets
and maps it is not always the case since:
1. We do intensive inserting/removing which is usually ineffitient in the
hashtables (at least it was a case in GLib implementation) - probably due
to resize of the array
2. We need particular order of iterating the collection

It would be nice if one or more would be found in libgee. I wrote a
implementation of AVL Tree Set (I can easly change it into a map).

Nice, thanks a lot. We're currently trying to get something similar to the
iterator and list interfaces available in libgee into glib. For that, the
actual implementations are not as important as a sane API we can all agree
on. I'd like to postpone merging more implementations into libgee until
it's clear whether we'll be able to integrate the interfaces into glib.
The nice thing about the interface-based collections is that it's not a
problem to use a different implementation in your application code.


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