Re: [Vala] ***SPAM*** Re: Help~ How to call system API like open() and socket()?

Thanks pancake!
Thanks for your great example.I get it:)

2007/9/27, pancake < pancake youterm com>:
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Content preview:  Read the archives. This is what I used to call native stuff
   from Vala: Subject: [Vala] Calling C code from Vala Date: Sat, 8 Sep 2007
   21:41:37 +0200 Looking inside the vala sources I have seen how valaparser.vala
   interacts with parser.c. It's the only place it's used the [Import ()] directive
   and imho this is a nice feature that should be documented on the wiki. (feel
   free to add this example) [...]

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---------- 已转发邮件 ----------
From: pancake <pancake youterm com>
To: vala paldo org
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2007 21:27:58 +0200
Subject: Re: [Vala] Help~ How to call system API like open() and socket()?
Read the archives. This is what I used to call native stuff from Vala:

Subject: [Vala] Calling C code from Vala
Date: Sat, 8 Sep 2007 21:41:37 +0200

Looking inside the vala sources I have seen how valaparser.vala interacts with parser.c.
It's the only place it's used the [Import ()] directive and imho this is a nice feature
that should be documented on the wiki. (feel free to add this example)

Here's an explanation:

$ cat foo.vala
using GLib;

public class Foo.Bar
        public static int main(string[] args)
                return 0;

        [Import ()]
        public static void hello_msg(string name);

We define an imported static method (no need to be static, but for a simple example is ok)
on the Bar class of the Foo namespace.

Now we implement the hello_msg function in C inside bar.c:

$ cat bar.c
void foo_bar_hello_msg(void *name)
        printf("Name: %s\n", name);

That is. Quite easy :)

To build just use this Makefile:

$ valac foo.vala bar.c -o foo

$ ./foo
Hello World!

On Wed, 26 Sep 2007 15:16:47 +0800
GaoXianchao < gxcmaillist gmail com> wrote:

> Hi~
> Today I found Vala. It's the dream language in my heart, I finally got it!
> I want to use Vala to make my 3rd BitTorrent client.
> My first BitTorrent Client is bitstormlite. It's using c++ & GTK2, already
> in Debian & Ubuntu.
> My second BitTorrent Client is bitbox <> . It's based on
> java.
> bitbox is easy to develop but need jvm and more memory. bitstormlite is fast
> but development using c++ is hard.
> so I think Vala is my best selection. I have a question :
> How to call system API like open() and socket()?
> Thanks a lot!


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