[Vala] libgda bindings

Hi all,

I just started to play with vala recently and thought it could be nice
start with a binding.  I neither have experience with libgda but alway
got my curiosity. So I came up with play with both. Obviously I stuck
with some issues:

1) I can't figure out how to expose the gda_init function to vapigen.
I tried with libgda-3.0-custom.vala without success. How do you do
that with gtk+ for example?

2) GdaValueList is a GList typedef, and vapigen/gidlgen doesn't find
its definition, so I had to hide a couple methods.

3) GdaDictRegisterStruct is a simple struct and either vapigen/gidlgen
couldn't deal with it, so also hid its functions. I imagine the
libgda-3.0-custom.vala could copes with it, but again I didn't find
how to tell it to vapigen.

You can download my last effort here

Thanks and regards


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