Re: [Vala] Adding a GIOChannel to GMainLoop

On 10/24/07, Xavier Bestel <xavier bestel free fr> wrote:
but when called, it looks like "src" contains "cond", "cond" contains
"data" and "data" contains garbage.
Looking at the C code, the problem is that my callback is a method from
another object, so a "self" argument is inserted in the proto:

gboolean ml_connect_data_received (MLConnect* self, GIOChannel* src, GIOCondition cond, gpointer data) {
        g_return_val_if_fail (IS_ML_CONNECT (self), FALSE);
        fprintf (stdout, "data received");

Can I pass an object's method as a callback ? Looking at GIOFunc's
proto, the caller's "self" should probably be stored in "data" ...

Try adding [InstanceLast] to the method like this:

[InstanceLast] public bool data_recieved (IOChannel src, IOCondition cond)

Notice the data argument is missing, that'll be filled in with the
self argument.

Travis Watkins

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