Re: [Vala] broken gtk+ binding?

On 09/12/2007, Jürg Billeter <j bitron ch> wrote:
On Sun, 2007-12-09 at 21:32 +0700, Nguyen Thai Ngoc Duy wrote:
Indeed. I looked at gtk+-2.0.vapi to know the prototype and it was

public signal void clicked ();

I changed to on_clicked(Gtk.Button btn) and it worked.
But vala did not notice me I passed a function that did not match the
signal prototype? :(

Yes, that's obviously a bug in valac, feel free to file it in bugzilla.


Would you really add to the definitions of every signal?  It seems
easier to just consider it separate from the "real" parameters.
Having the emitting instance as first parameter could just be thought
of as a way to name it, rather than always referring to it as
"emitter" or something.

Phil Housley

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