[Vala] Mustache for GLib

I am actively working on a Mustache (https://mustache.github.io/)templa
ting language implementation for GLib.

I will write two parsers: recursive-descent (first) and streaming, both
with provide synchronous and asynchronous APIs.

I worte an EBNF grammar for the purists, it is a handy reference.

The lexer will support text chunking, which should provide a good
granularity on memory usage for the streaming parser.

The environment will based on 'json-glib-1.0' with support for lambdas
that I still need to figure out.

HTML escaping is performed by 'libxml-2.0'.

Partials and parametrization is provided by a context held across the

I expect to reach something usable in about two weeks.

Guillaume Poirier-Morency <guillaumepoiriermorency gmail com>

Étudiant au baccalauréat en Informatique à l'Université de Montréal
Développeur d'application web

Mon blog: https://arteymix.github.io/
Mon projet de coopérative: https://pittoresque.github.io/

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