[Vala] Generalize sources

I'm lately pondering about a possibility to use Vala as embeddable language
in applications.
The main issue currently is the fact that Vala produces C files, a .so
should be created and then loaded.

A solution would be to use Clang. CLang offers an API to parse C code and
then create a JIT'ed LLVM module that can be used at runtime without
producing C files or calling external programs.

Step 1 - Generalize the Source concept, which is actually only
concretized by SourceFile. I'd like to add a Source interface (or abstract
class, whatever will fit better) and add a SourceMemory implemetation. This
will affect lot of code, especially source references but should be trivial.
Source will be based on a simple seekable API (possibly without streams/GIO).
This will allow feeding a Vala file at runtime to generate an AST.

Step 2 - Generalize the output concept in order to make the CCodeWriter
write to a stream rather than a file.
This will allow feeding the C output to Clang in order to create an LLVM

Best regards,

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