[Utopia] Power Manager : Multiple Batteries

I've been busy with GNOME Power Manager, and have completely ripped out
the icon, tooltip and low battery functions and replaced then with much
simpler, efficient routines. I've got to a stage where I want to think
about multiple batteries. This is hard, given my Toshiba A10 laptop only
has the one.

Two questions:

1. Should the main battery icon display a "virtual" battery with the
level of the average of the batteries, or just the lowest battery?

2. Should the tooltip remaining time be displayed like so:
Laptop battery #1 charging (60%)
14 minutes until charged
Laptop battery #2 charged (60%)
1 hour 20 remaining
Which gets a bit confusing as one time is the remaining time to charge,
and the other how much time you would have on battery if you pulled out
the plug right now.

I've cc'd in utopia list as this is a UI issue, hope nobody minds.

Tell me what you want, all you posh-laptop people. :-)

Thanks, Richard.


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