[Utopia] Gnome VFS Icons

Hi all,

Forgive me if this has been suggested or implemented, but I installt he GNOME VFS Debian binary, and it struck me that when a user clicks on the Computer icon to see their drives, the icons for different drives should be different. As an example, if a partition is VFAT, this should maybe use a Windows icon, and if it is EXT2/3 it should use a different icon (I was going to say Linux, but I know EXT2/3 are used in other OS's commonly). It may be an idea to give the EXT2/3 partition the normal disk icon, and then simply make a Windows/Mac/OS2 partition have a different icon. At the moment that all have a drive icon and the name of the drive, but I cannot tell which partition is which as I use the same model drive.

The other thing to note is how to seperate USB storage devices that use VFAT or FAT as their filesystem. I assume you could check the HAL device class to determine this and change the icon to that of a device.




Jono Bacon - http://www.jonobacon.org/
Writer / Journalist / Consultant / Developer

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