Re: [Utopia] KDE Volume Manager

Wouldn't it be better to patch xine then, instead of making a

On Fri, 2004-08-20 at 10:42, Jerome Lodewyck wrote:
> > > Besides, it would greatly benefit from the following HAL properties:
> > >  - volume.disc.has_dvd_video : true when a disc is a video DVD
> > >  - same as above for VCDs
> >
> > Can you get these two things without mounting the device?
> That's what I was wondering...  Concerning DVD, it is easy to mount it,
> check for tracks and eventually play it. But for VCD, it is much more
> complicated since xine (I haven't checked other players) doesn't play
> mounted VCD's. So the steps are : mounting, checking for tracks,
> unmounting and playing. Quite tricky and lengthy. So a volume.disc.is_vcd
> would be much more convenient.
> Jerome
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