[Usability] Why I don't like GNOME Software's rating system

I am writing to this mailing list, explaining my issue(s) I have with how ODRS is designed, as my original bug request in https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=783252 apparently did not got enough attention. Propbably mailing lists are more suitable for this kind of discussions.

FYI I've also tried to subscribe to this list on https://mail.gnome.org, but it always claims my captcha is wrong. So if you could subscribe me or just add my mail here when replying to this mail, please do so. If you think I wrote to the wrong list (could not find one about privacy or GNOME Software), please repost it in the correct one.


First let me say that I am speaking out of the perspective of a (nooby) privacy-conscious GNOME software user. I'll noticed many privacy issues when using it and some more when reading the description on https://odrs.gnome.org/. I see your decisions were well-intentioned, but some are just bad for the privacy of your users. I'll describe my personal experience here, to make more understandable what issues I encountered. Doing so I will use some ****** words just to make it more vivid, so please don't freak out because of them. All I want to be is constructive, I would not create this issue otherwise. (I would rather rant in a blog or in social media in that case…)

In short: This is a German/nooby/privacy-aware/first-time experience using GNOME software. Version 3.22.7 BTW.
Attention: This is a long read. Take some time.

== Problems ==
1. The unknowing user…

– The problem:
A new user does not know what's submitted. As a new user of GNOME software I see that I can evaluate apps. That's nice, but as a new user I also like to know what will be submitted. And the interface just gives mo *no* clues about this. I can only speculate And, of course, users should not have to look online how the mechanism works. That must be clear in the software.

First of all **there is no link to any privacy policy**. And there are many other things I wondered about and did not know before (& sometimes even after submitting a rating): 1. Which username will be used? The "usual" one (/home/<username>), the full name I give when creating an account? Or will I be able to choose the username? (I would prefer the latter, BTW.) 2. What other identifiers are submitted? My country? My OS/distro? My language?
3. Will I be able to edit my review?
4. Will I be able to delete it, in case I regret my review later?
5. Some may even ask: Will this published? (i.e. it is a good idea to just note there: "This will be made public."

As I should notice later, also on https://odrs.gnome.org/ there is no link to your software ratings.

– How to solve:
Either when first making a review or in the review window generally, add a small text with a summary, such as: "Note that this review will be made public including your username and some information about your machine. For more information click here. <link to privacy policy>"

2. User names
– The problem:
So after the first review the user may realize,: "Oh f***, they submitted the full name of my Linux account." Seriously, that's not only unexpected, but bad. I would have expected you to submit the usual linux user name, but to submit the whole name is not so nice, especially as many, many users are used to use their real first name (and some maybe also second name) as their user account. (You can confirm this by looking at the reviews…)

So, do you want to know what I thought?
I thought: "Okay, the GNOME guys are good people, so maybe they don't show it public, only uploaded my short user name (or an ID or so) and now they only parse it locally and show the local user name, they found." I thought this might be useful, as local users using the same system could then notice I was the one, who made the review.

But as I should find out, I was wrong.

– How to solve:
Usernames are a difficult topic. I, however, cannot accept that my local username is used there without at least asking me before. You have to know that's also quite contrary to the system that users are used to in all other review systems and similar "web services" are used to. Usually they always have to sign up and can at least determinate their user name by themselves.They may use different user names to separate different identities. They may never mention their real name online. They may of course also mention their full name if they like. The point is: The user has to decide, what he/she wants to share. In Germany, we call this informational self-determination. (Just search for it…)

That's why I propose to let the user decide it. Have a way for the user to change their user name, which should be reflected in all their reviews. When doing their first review, you can e.g. ask them what user name they like to have. You can pre-fill the input field with the full user name, you currently use and users may choose to use that name. If so, that is their choice! In any case, you'll save that and just re-use that name until the user changes it. When doing so it should be updated in all existing reviews, IMHO.

3. The "hidden" information & the backend system
– The problem:
What I did not know was, that much more information was submitted than just my user name. Okay, my distro and my language setting are okay for me, and I would have expected these. (Although it should have been mentioned in a privacy policy, at least, see #1).
But I did not expect to submit a SHA-1 hash…
When I read up on this feature (After I found the site https://odrs.gnome.org/, which was more accidental and not easy to find.) I could finally see what is submitted: -> "we're using a SHA1 hash of the machine-id and the UNIX username along with a salt"

Okay, at least a salt. The problem is I cannot see it anywhere in the ratings, so is this one static salt for all of the ratings or – as it would be correct – one for each rating? In the end, it does not matter, because you can likely brute-force it anyway. (see below) So let's look at the content. Now, in addition to the full name, we have the "short username" included here. This means with some brute-forcing one can connect these names, which may be bad as some users might choose "pseudonym" as their short name and (because they think this name is only showed in some specific places, locally) use their real name as a full name. When an attacker does so, this might essentially completely destroy a user's privacy as the pseudonym could be used on other websites too.

I don't know whether the machine ID could be useful, maybe it is when other software uses it to publish more information in a similar way, but in any case one can at least find out how many users are using one device or are, at least, rating there.

– How to solve:
The best would be to not use this data. This is however not practical, so you may follow the advice below.

4. A special note about SHA-1
– The problem:
You should not use SHA-1 anymore. You may have seen https://shattered.it/, you may have noticed it has been depreciated by NIST in 2011, you may have heard theoretical attacks already appeared in 2005. You may still say, for this use it is okay. Yes, it may be, if the machine ID is really random (which I don't know if that is the case) and it may be even harder to brute-force if the user name is also quite long (which you, however, cannot assume). When an attacker however e.g. knows the machine ID it may be easy to brute-force.

Also for the user_key it "should be impossible to generate a user_key from a user_id without first requesting the reviews from the server". Well, with shattered (& future attacks on SHA-1) it may be possible.

– How to solve:
In general the algorithm should just not be used anymore. Switch to SHA-256, at least.

However, the best idea would be to switch to a proper algorithm designed for your use case. Because basically this machine ID and username is a "password". A thing, only one user "knows" (or "has", in this case) and, which should be slow to brute-force and some milliseconds to wait while hashing it is not bad. For these there are specially designed hashes, such as bcrypt, scrypt or – the new winner (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Password_Hashing_Competition) – ARGON2. These hashes are very slow (in contrast to SHA-256, which is optimized for speed) and thus difficult to brute-force, making sure no one can ever access the machine ID or username in the ID. In general see https://crackstation.net/hashing-security.htm for that. It is exactly what you need.

Of course you need to stay backward-compatible, so for some time you can accept the old hashes, but switch to the new hashes in the application. Later you can then disallow the old hashes to be used, so that now only the "secure reviews" can be written.

5. A general word on "anonymous"
– The problem:
Now, on https://odrs.gnome.org/, I read: "Designing an anonymous service is hard". Wait, wait… As we learned, you submit full usernames and some obfuscated machine IDs and short user names. This is not anonymous, at all. That's pseudonymity. See https://internet-anonymity.com/internet-anonymity-vs-pseudonymity/ for a quick explanation.

Even without the full user name it would be pseudonymous as each user has an ID (the SHA-1 hash shown public).

– How to solve:
Never lie to the user. Thankfully, this was only a doc page, so it is not in your privacy policy (which is not there, anyway…), but it is still not good. Especially when writing this under the headline "privacy".

So change the wording and call it "pseudonymous".

5. The deletion system is a farce.
– The problem:
After seeing this all, I decided to delete my reviews I already made. I was reassured when I saw this is possible (and finding them in this great list online was easy), so I could delete all of them. Now, everything is all right? Right? No.

Because they are still there, online. Anyone can still access them. Once reviewed, once made a mistake of not changing your username (because one did not know the impact, see #1) and your done. Irreversible. That's crazy. Only a small "deleted at" date is added to the entry. It is still accessible online. If the user was not me (who checked that on the website), he/she would not even have known that. They would have a false sense of security, or, here, privacy, and may think all data is gone. But wrong.

– How to solve:
Please, please, allow users to really remove their own reviews. Why do you still need to store them after they decided to delete them? If you want to have some "restore functionality", then maybe store them a few days and then automatically delete them, but do not leave them there. This exploits the trust, your users out into your service (or this exact one button, there). "Delete" means "delete". In this case that's very clear and also other review platforms such as AMO (addons.mozilla.org) allow this.

Speaking about AMO another nice way to help users to stay in control of their data (aka reviews) would be to have a page, where they can see all of their reviews. That's also a standard feature of all review platforms. This allows them to review their reviews (pun not intended) and delete or edit them if necessary. (Editing is not yet possible, but basically one could also just delete and add a new review, so I don't know whether you'll implement this in the future.)
It's also good to see in case you want to change a rating.

== But why? ==
Before you say this would not matter ("You have nothing to hide-like"), let me make a fictional example. If there would be some porn apps in the app store (don't know whether this is allowed or so, this does not matter here anyway), then a user will likely not like it to be exposed when creating a review there. The user would not want his/her user name to be published without consent, neither any additional information, which could identify them. At least they should know about the latter. You claim to have an anonymous rate system. This is false. And this user would regret it. But even when doing so, deleting the review would not help.
That's bad, very bad…
Or, maybe, in some countries, a software review of a "hacking tool" maybe can get you killed?

All in all: The current state is really a no-go. These are five big points you should tackle. Personally I would have rather signed up for a real user account there*, where I can choose, which information I provide. Personally I am a guy, who would rather have not such a "fake anonymous" review system than just a usual evaluation system, where I have everything under my control. And the big promise of FLOSS software is that the user can have everything under their own control. Don't destroy this promise!

* Also using "real" account, would help when users are distro-hoppers or so and frequently install new distros or just set their system up another time. Currently, they loose "access" to all their previous reviews with this system.

Best regards,

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