Re: [Usability] GtkNotebook scrolling

On 03/11/2010 01:00 PM, Cody Russell wrote:
So, I stumbled upon this feature we have where you can use mouse-wheel
scrolling on GtkNotebook pages to change to a different page.  It wasn't
the most pleasant experience for me since I did it on accident and was

I use GtkNotebooks in my app (moserial), and I find this behaviour annoying.

Typically the user (well, me) wants to rapidly scroll some text in a textarea in the notebook, flings the wheel, and nudges the mouse accidentally over the tabs. In my app's case, this shifts between ASCII and HEX views, to general bafflement.

I can't think of a case where you would to rapidly switch through notebook tabs. Slow single-clicks are just fine for manipulating the tabs.

+1 for removing the wheel-changes-tabs functionality.

- Mike

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