Re: [Usability] Hackfest social activities

> 1. First night meal (Monday 22nd February)
> I think the Queen's Arms pub [1] could be the best place. It's a great
> modern pub that does excellent beer and good food, and it's within
> walking distance of the hackfest venue. There's a nice dining room that
> we could use. Does that seem OK?!
> It would be great if hackfest attendees could give me an indication of
> whether they are going to attend the first night meal. I've added a
> column to the attendees table on the hackfest wiki page [2] so you can
> do that.

Since I haven't heard any objections, I've booked the restaurant [1] for
7pm. Feel free to get in touch if you'd like to make any suggestions
about the plan.

I've assumed that everyone who is on the attendee list [2] and is going
to be at the hackfest on the Monday is going to attend the meal, so
please let me know if:

a) You are on the attendee list and are down to be at the hackfest on
the Monday, but don't want to attend the meal.


b) You aren't on the attendee list (or you're not down to attend the
hackfest on the Monday), but would like to attend the meal.

That is all. :)



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