[Usability] [feature]Show selected files in grid.

Nautilus desktop should display all selected files in additional layer
above the desktop. It can works by calculate distance between files and
moving it into existing group which small distance, or create new group.
All group are displayed above the desktop. All files in each group are
displayed in group's grid.

Nautilus(as File manager) should have pane, where it shows all selected
files. We should have way to save selection(we don't specify name - it
was created by Nautilus). Desktop can have the same feature(instead or
with described in previous paragraph) as file manager.

My features can be great improvements in desktop management. Looks on:
BumpTop 3D( http://bumptop.com/ ). User can divide files into a group or
don't organise desktop, but simple select all/some files. Many desktop
was not clean, reorganised and have large number of icons. Sometimes
people have a lot of icons. On many situation we have too small desktop
to contains each icons.

I some day have read, that some GNOME dev have inspired by BumpTop 3D.
My suggestions is very simple and can improve user live.

Sorry for my English.


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