Re: [Usability] New Tab Widget

On Thu, 2009-02-12 at 19:25 +0000, Allan Day wrote:
> On Thu, 2009-02-12 at 13:37 -0500, Liam R E Quin wrote:
> > Seems to me the "Gnome way" would be to get rid of the slider and
> > user control altogether and decide on reasonable (fixed) values.
> I agree that eliminating user control would be a great thing. I just
> don't know how to get there without creating a huge mess along the
> way. :)

I'm not sure I do either but I think we should try.
Thanks for replying, by the way :)

> What are the 'reasonable (fixed) values' you're referring to? Do you
> mean the widths of the tabs? If you do, wouldn't having fixed tab widths
> lead to tabs flowing off-screen (one of the key things I'm trying to
> avoid)?
Imagine having the slider you've suggested, setting it
to some plausible end-points, and then getting rid of the slider?

if most users never moved the slider, maybe it'd be better to have
the tabs behave as if it was there, but with fixed settings.

You'll always have the possibility of tabs not fitting -- I can make
a narrow window and have 300 tabs, or 3,000 tabs, and they get less
than one pixel each.  It's good to minimise it, but pointless to
try and prevent it, of course.


Liam Quin - XML Activity Lead, W3C,
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