Re: [Usability] Gnome Research - Sociological Surveys

On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 5:22 PM, Celeste Lyn Paul <celeste kde org> wrote:
Also should ask education, country, primary language, OS language, if they
have a laptop/computer/both, etc. so you can get a profile of the type of user
they might be.

Finding about this would be helpful but right now I'm trying not to make ppl bored and ask interesting and easy to answer questions. However I will try to ask this ones in the future if possible.

  > You don't want users to design their own product.

Actually that would be a good thing because everybody will make the computer suitable to himself but will make it hard for others to operate on too.

> Some concrete, maybe:
> - Are you happy with the menubars and menu system usability?

When youre building your survey, instead start with what you want to learn
from it instead of starting with the questions. The quality of data you get
out of a survey is more important than the number of responses you get.

I get it. But where I can build that survey? I don't know a web site or smth I can use to achieve this goal. You all tell me to make all the questions and put them together but nobody tells me how to do it so I have no other choise but to use separate polls in UbuntuForums.

You are right the question is too gneneral but I thought it on the fly. When create the other questions I will have some more time to think deeply over them.


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